Whole-Home Indoor Air Filtration Systems
A lot of people believe that a small air filter on their furnace is enough to filter out a large number of contaminants that hurt a home’s overall air quality. Unfortunately, science has shown that these traditional filters are simply not enough. Thankfully, Climatech has a better, state-of-the-art solution. Whole-home indoor air filtration systems can clean contaminants from the air in your house that traditional filters would leave behind.
Breathe Clean Air
Air pollution is a serious problem in our environment. Unfortunately, this problem isn’t simply outside the walls of our homes. The EPA estimates that indoor air pollution is one of the 5 greatest health risks today. Smoke, mold, dander, and even outdoor pollutants can make the atmosphere within your home just as unhealthy as the smog outdoors. Allergy sufferers are especially attuned to these problems. Dander and mold can take a happy home and make it very uncomfortable for those with allergies. Dander is especially problematic for those families that own pets, as dogs and cats tend to shed skin and hair particles more frequently than humans. Even those without traditional allergies may find that the environment within their home can be problematic for their health. Recent studies have shown that air contaminants, such as dust and the mites that they hold, may be a leading cause of chronic colds. Nasal passages become inflamed as a result of constant exposure to irritants in the air, and as these mucous membranes become inflamed, infections set in.
Reduce Allergy Symptoms
Thankfully, whole house cleaners are far more effective than traditional filters when it comes to removing these irritants. These air purifiers are installed within either your new or existing forced air climate control system and will instantly improve your home air quality with their state-of-the-art air filtration systems. The same system that used to simply change the temperature of your home is now cleaning the air within it as well. Pollen, mites, dust, mold, and mildew, will be filtered through your furnace! Not only are there countless health benefits, but you will instantly notice that certain odors caused by bacteria and mold are gone, making your home more inviting for you, your family, and your guests. Plus, these indoor air filtration systems require infrequent maintenance, so they are convenient as well!
In addition to improving the overall wellness of your family, our high-efficiency air filters also make the most out of the little energy that they use. So you can rest assured that your new system is also good for the environment and your pocketbook.
A home is supposed to be where you and your family retreat from the world and recharge, getting ready for a new day. Yet, with so many air pollutants invading our homes, finding wellness at home is becoming increasingly difficult. Thankfully, Climatech has Pittsburgh’s best solution for air purification with our professionally installed whole-home air filtration systems. So why not contact a representative and begin purifying your home today!